Concept • Developmental Editing • Art Direction • Interior Layout • Video Creation

Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible

20 Immersive Stories from the Four Gospels

Bill Johnson, Eugene Luning, Kevin & Kristen Howdeshell

Destiny Image

Destiny Image publishers was interested in releasing a children’s storybook Bible. But the children’s Bible market is extremely competitive—they needed something to differentiate their product.

In our market research, it became apparent that most children’s Bible’s only have room to tell a few pivotal stories from the Gospels. So, we created a unique concept that would focus on the Gospels.

Then, we partnered with author, Eugene Luning. Luning wrote each of the 20 stories from the first-hand perspective of a different character (Simon Peter, the boy who shared his loaves and fishes, Mary at Lazarus’ resurrection, etc.). This powerful storytelling method helps kids imagine themselves in the story meeting Jesus for themselves!

We enlisted master-illustrators, Kevin and Kristen Howdeshell to create captivating and textural illustrations that are unlike anything on the market today. Readers can lose themselves in the whimsical details of each illustration. The Howdeshells opted to keep Jesus’s facial features tastefully vague—allowing children to imagine Him for themselves.

We worked with paginator, Jeff Hall, to lay out the interior. Hall ensured that the text-heavy content didn’t bog down the reader or compete with the illustrations, expertly composing the content on the page for beauty and legibility.

Finally, we created animated readings for each of the 20 chapters, adding music, sound effects, and simple video animations, helping the illustrations come alive on the screen.


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